
New Directions in CPTED and Night-Time Economy CPTED

14 February 2019

iDOC 2019

14th February 2019

New Directions in CPTED and Night-Time Economy CPTED

Held at Edith Cowan University, Joondalup, Western Australia

iDOC2019 Themes and Topics

Evidence-based CPTED

CPTED is changing and extending its scope due to increased availability of evidence, crime data, new technology and new ways of thinking.

Conference Themes

Night-Time Economy CPTED

CPTED for Night-Time Economies is very different from CPTED in other situations.

Conference Themes

Lessons Learned

Best practices in CPTED change. Practical CPTED experiences, evaluation and Lessons Learned move CPTED forward. Question: In what circumstances does rapid graffiti cleaning result in more graffiti?

Conference Themes

CPTED for Events

CPTED is effective for events. It requires a temporary CPTED interventions that often have major changes DURING different stages of an event.

Conference Themes

CPTED and Quality of Life

Increasingly, CPTED interventions are required to enhance life. This requires identifying and avoiding potential adverse effects of CPTED in terms of, e.g. health, gender, social equity issues, economic development, use of funding and resources, privacy, social control, functionality and aesthetics.

Conference Themes

New Technologies

CPTED is being transformed by new technologies such as widespread CCTV, face recognition, AI virtual following across CCTV; social conformance scoring with automated access control, numberplate access control, universal 360degree 24/7 CCTV, surveillance in the home, automated behaviour analysis, etc.

Conference Themes

Crowded Places and Counter Terrorism

CPTED is increasingly part of and overlapping with Crowded Places and Counter Terrorism strategies. Both use environmental design strategies to reduce crime.

Conference Themes

Legal and Financial Liabilities and Professional practices

CPTED can have adverse consequences. These can lead to legal and financial liabilities. Protection comes from standardised CPTED processes, professional practices, OHS , and identifying potential adverse consequences.

Conference Themes

Cookie-Cutter vs Risk/Threat analysis

The days of Cookie-cutter CPTED may be numbered? Is CPTED better decided by analysis of risks or threats or architecture

Conference Themes

Conference Information

Edith Cowan University, Joondalup, Western Australia
Rooms 4.236 and 4.237
Thursday 14th Feb 2019 .

Edith Cowan University


iDOC 2019 was held in rooms 4.236 and 4.237 at Edith Cowan University, Joondalup, Western Australia.

  • Direct access to Perth, Fremantle & Mandurah
  • Easy access to beaches and marinas
  • Winerys and Restaurants
  • Easy access to Swan Valley
  • Travel to karri forests of SW
  • Drive to the Pinnacles
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iDOC 2019 is important for many professionals, managers and executives.
It will provide the basis to share infomation on new changes in CPTED and reducing crime in a period of fast technological changes.

  • Academics
  • Planners
  • Architects
  • Local Covernment Officers
  • Community Safety professionals
  • Building managers
  • Legal profesionals
  • Event and Crowded Places professionals
  • Police
  • Security professionals
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Conference format

The conference combined formal and informal presentations with a desktop workshop and opportunities for networking "

  • Papers (peer-reviewed)
  • Tales from the field (practical experiences)
  • Expert presentations
  • Workshops
  • Team Desktop Exercises
  • Informal discussions and networking
  • CPTED practical exercise
  • Published Proceedings and Program

    The iDOC2019 International CPTED Conference was held on the 14th February 2019
    Edith Cowan University, Joondalup, Western Australia

    New buildings at ECU

    Proceedings and Program

    Presentations included: academic papers (peer reviewed), 'Tales from the Field' presentations, and 'specialist topic' presentations on 'New Directions in CPTED' and 'Night Time Economies' CPTED'

    Conference Program

    Published Conference Proceedings Publication